Most of it is non-printable, non-human readable bytes. How come it's 3300 lines for just a simple hello world, doesnt thatĪn. Where are the 0s and 1s, I thought machine code was only 0s and 1s ? Why is the output different in sublime text and notepad ? I also tried to get the assembly version and this one is the same in notepad and sublime. However when I open the same file in Sublime Text 3, I get over 3300 lines of just some seemingly random numbers and letters such as : 4d5a 9000 0300 0000 0400 0000 ffff 0000

Unknown pseudo relocation protocol version %d. It works because when I execute the resulting file I do get a Hello World! in the console, however I am surprised because when I open test.exe in notepad++ it is 220 lines long with some readable text in it such asĪddress %p has no image-section VirtualQuery failed for %d bytes at I compiled the following C code with GCC for windows 10 (mingw-64) : #include